User manual for the AED NT 381C automated external defibrillator (South Korea)

2024-08-29 11:35:01

The AED NT 381C automated external defibrillator is a crucial life-saving device, designed to be compact and easy to use effectively in cases of sudden cardiac arrest. Below is a detailed guide on how to use the AED NT 381C to ensure the highest effectiveness in saving lives.


Steps for Using the AED NT 381C

Step 1: Preparation

- The AED can typically be found in cabinets marked with a heart and lightning bolt symbol.

- To use the AED, make sure the victim is not on a wet surface or metallic surface.

Step 2: Attach the AED Electrodes to the Victim's Chest

- Remove electronic devices such as phones and smartwatches from the victim.

- Expose the victim’s chest and dry it. Place the AED electrodes correctly: one electrode on the upper right side of the chest just below the collarbone, and the other on the lower left side of the chest. Turn on the device and follow the instructions.

Step 3: Wait for the Device to Analyze and Follow the Instructions

- Ensure that no one touches the victim while the device is analyzing.

- If the shock button, which is marked with a lightning bolt (heart and lightning bolt icon), is flashing or lit, the victim requires a shock. Press the shock button and make sure no one touches the victim while the device delivers the shock.

- If the shock button is not flashing or lit, the victim does not need a shock. Continue performing CPR on the victim as directed by the device.

Step 4: Continue until the victim recovers or emergency medical personnel arrive

- Safety and Compliance: Always ensure that no one is touching the victim when the device is analyzing or delivering a shock.

- Read the manual:Before using the AED NT 381, read the user manual thoroughly and, if possible, participate in training sessions on using the AED NT 381.

The AED NT 381C, with its modern and user-friendly features, will help you feel more confident in emergency situations. Proper and effective use of the device not only enhances the chances of survival but also ensures the safety of the rescuer. Always adhere to the guidelines and safety protocols when using the AED NT 381 to achieve the best results.


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